FAQ: What Kind of Safety Plans Do You Have?


Safety is something we take seriously at Church on the Move.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought new attention to health and cleaning standards. Natural disasters continue to require us to have emergency plans. Violence in public spaces has sensitized us to the need for safety plans around worship or ministry disruptions.

We sat down with three Church on the Move staff members who ensure the safety of our church community to discuss what we do to keep everyone safe: Security Director Jon Cozad, Executive Pastor of Operations Aaron Davis and Facilities Director & Compliance Officer Steven Torres.

“Our team does a phenomenal job. They are well-trained, go through rigorous training, and work efficiently with all of our locations. It takes a lot of teamwork, but our team is great.”

— Steven Torres, Compliance Officer

COVID-19 Standards

The year 2020 brought about a lot of changes all over the world. One of the most significant was the change in health and cleaning standards in response to the pandemic. We take the safety measures related to this issue seriously and have evaluated every step of our gatherings and ministries to ensure that our people are as safe as possible.

We are following all the latest information from public health officials and local government authorities and continue to implement their recommendations to ensure a safe, healthy environment for all.

Emergency Exit Plans

If you’ve ever lived in Oklahoma during the spring, you know you have to have an inclement weather and natural disaster plan in place. In case of any such disaster, our church has emergency exit and sheltering plans in place, including tornado shelters strategically placed throughout the property. Our staff has been trained on leading anyone in the building to safety during such an emergency. In the case of inclement weather, we cancel our regularly scheduled services to allow everyone to stay home and be safe.

Church Security and Active Shooter Strategies

We understand how important it is to have a plan in case someone comes to church with violent intentions. We hope we never have to use it but we have a plan for in place if we receive word of a person with violent intent and we also have trained security at all of our locations to help guide you and your family to safety.

Background Checks

Every organization is vulnerable to predators who seek to serve with the intent to abuse or harm them. At Church on the Move, we run full background checks on every employee we hire in addition to an extensive interview process and vetting references. In addition, any volunteer that works with children is also background checked on a regular basis and must abide by a code of conduct.

These are just a few of the basic safety procedures we have implemented to keep you safe. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us. Our goal is to eliminate any distractions you have from encountering God when you’re on our campus. Together, we can keep our gatherings safe and continue to welcome people who are in search of the real Jesus.


Church on the Move is a multi-site church in the Tulsa area committed to introducing others to the real Jesus. Discover more about our mission and vision from our Lead Pastor, Whit George, meet our team, learn more about our ministries, and get connected to your next step into the life of the church here on this site.


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